Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thoughts: Pokemon Black and White

This isn't a full review as I haven't beaten the games and I'm only working on the second gym leader, but I must say, I'm not very fond of this generation so far. First of all I'm not overly fond of many of the new pokemon. Some of them look passable, others are just silly. For example, we've got a dove as our new Pidgey and a meerkat with crazy red eyes as our Ratatta. They recycled the Fire/Fighting set up for the second time now and I refuse to touch it on principle. I've been waiting for four generations for a Fire/Grass but instead I get three starter Fire/Fighting. It was old the second time you did it GameFreak! That left me with the snooty looking grass type and the meh looking water. At least the final evolution of the water starter looks decent, so I went with that.

Another major problem is with the battles themselves. I'm not sure if I'm just imagining all this but it seems a fair bit more difficult just fighting random pokemon. Admittedly I'm training more pokemon than I usually take on and it's been a while, but it just seems like everything hits harder. It also appears that the critical hit rate got a booster shot. I seem to notice a critical hit almost every battle. Maybe something's up, maybe it's just me. It's hard to say.  I can say that battles now have a weird moving camera that adds nothing. It's like you're playing the game FPS style but your character is getting bored and starting to look around for something more interesting. They also seem a little sluggish in execution.

They seemed to have upped the encounter rate as well, but that might be another instance of not having played for a while. Using the PC has gotten a serious downgrade. We went from 18 or so boxes (I know I had enough for every type, plus an extra one for my team/HM Slaves/Nature Hunters/Breeders) to 8. So now I'll have to combine two types per box or abandon all hope of organization. This is another instance where things seem a little sluggish. It's hard to explain all the little annoyances I seem to have with this. The Battle Box is just plain silly. I guess you can put a team of pokemon into a hard to access box (you have to first deposit them and then move them from the storage box to the battle box) in order to use them in place of your current team when battling friends. Of course why you would bother is beyond me. If I'm going to be using a PC anyway I'll just switch my pokemon up for a better team before we start. My friends can wait the extra two minutes that will take (maybe less if I the game doesn't cause me any difficulties).

Overall I wouldn't really recommend getting these. Maybe you'll have better luck, but it seems like GameFreak just kind of gave up and said "how many gimmicks can with throw in this?" Actually... it might not even be that. Diamond and Pearl might have been equally gimmicky and I still enjoyed them. This game just feels awkward. Especially with the evil team going on about freeing pokemon so they can be our equals and then repeatedly kicking a pokemon to get it to spew mist for them.

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