Monday, June 6, 2011

Reaching for Replayability

The Halo series is incredibly popular, and like many others I've enjoyed countless hours playing it. However ever since the final installment (by Bungie, at least) came out something's been bugging me about it. I finally figured out why: it lacks replay value. I look back at all the other Halo games and can point to various missions that I played over and over just because they were fun. I didn't have online play until the third installment, so multiplayer wasn't really an option early on, and even once it was I still enjoyed just going back and playing some levels.

Reach doesn't have that. The only time I go back to it now is when I'm playing through with a friend or completing a challenge. Otherwise I don't even look at it. The whole thing just feels rushed through, with some character's deaths just being laughable.The epic feel is lost and I feel little more than contempt for the characters of Halo Reach.